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Super-intensive felt cleaning buttons


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Super-Intensive Felt Cleaning Buttons

Super-intensive felt cleaning buttons (with interwoven brass fibers) work similar to bristle brushes, and are very effective for heavy lead and jacketed bullet fouling when used with conventional solvents. Hard felt conforms to the barrel lands and grooves for maximum contact.  Available in multiple calibers.



Bore Cleaning Aids – Super-intensive felt cleaning buttons

Just slide button onto PatchWorm cleaning rod, and pull it through. Can be used singly, stacked or even in tandem with patches – just slide patch on first, felt button second, then pull through.

Super-intensive felt is for use with the standard green PFK rods only, NOT the blue .17 cal rods.

Super-intensive felt is NOT for use with brushless solvents like Wipe-Out or Patch-Out since these will dissolve the brass fibers in the felt.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

.22/.223/5.56mm, .30/7.62mm, .38/.357/9mm, .40 cal, .45 cal


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